Monday, 28 March 2011

Reinvaders Update - Gameplay


After two weeks of heavy development (I've even worked on Saturdays on this), I can finally show an advanced.

I created 3 new characters: a "chanchito"(a pig), an Ufo and a satellite, I've also added some variations in the formation of the enemy and stuff.

Hope you enjoy it, I need time to finish the final story, create more characters, bosses and environments. How quick were the two-week vacation... lol

I had problems with some rotations and artificial intelligence from the satellites so that each shoot at random and not all at once, also with the movement as a sine function, but it was fun.

Here some pics from my WIP:

1.- The "Chanchito":
2.- A test with the kidnapped pig:
3.- A quick shot from the web-player:
4.- The satellite from 3dsMax:
5.- A pic with the characters lol:
And the link to play this test with just only 5 levels (for now):
Play the game!

Saturday, 5 March 2011

RE-Invaders Update!!!

I'm going to make an update about my RE-Invaders - aka "Another_Invaders_Remake"

For now a render image with the new character-aka"blank_space_for_name_XD".
He's staring the new rocket of our hero!!!

And one more shot inside the Unity3d 2.6:

It would be hurt (Animated Texture):

They want to pose a last time (3dsMax 2009 - Vray 1.5):

....And the Poster before the battle:

Keep on seeing my blog in order to see more WIP.